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First produced at Edinburgh Fringe, Scotland, in 2017 in a completely sold-out two week run, 10 Rillington Place solidified Polymorph’s growing reputation for producing Fringe theatre of the very highest quality.
Dramatisations of the Notting Hill murders have always focused on the tragedy of Timothy Evans’ conviction and execution for crimes that John Reginald Halliday Christie committed at the notorious address in West London, but Jan van der Black’s one-man show displays Polymorph’s signature alternate viewpoint in focusing instead on Christie himself and the reasons why he became what he was.
Set between the condemned cell at Pentonville Prison and Christie’s flat in Notting Hill, as Christie remembers the circumstances that brought him to the hangman’s drop, the show uses research into Christie’s confessions and psychiatric interviews to peel away the veneer of penurious gentility he projected to find the very soul of a serial killer.
Christie murdered Timothy Evans as surely as he strangled at least seven women and a baby girl – but why?
We supply a PDF copy of the script. You can deduct the cost (£3.00) of this if you later buy a Performing Licence.
We charge a fee for each time you perform the show.
A short teaser for 10 Rillington Place.
The material in this trailer is taken from the production at Edinburgh Fringe in 2017 with Jan van der Black as Christie.